Congratulations to Sergeant Brad Wick for being named the 2012 Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association's Officer of the Year. This is an award that is not given out every year and is reserved only for those cases where an officer goes above and beyond the line of duty. Sergeant Wick was involved in apprehending a robbery and car jacking suspect. The suspect forced his way into a young woman's home in Gary New-Duluth and shot her in the leg. The suspect then proceeded to shoot at Sgt. Wick who put himself in the line of fire to shoot and kill the suspect-likely saving the young woman's life.
Prior to becoming a police officer, Sgt. Wick was one of those who would take the time and interest to talk me and was influential on me becoming a Duluth police officer. He is one of a kind and a person I have a lot of admiration for. This award is incredibly well deserved for a police officer who is a true class act.
**Patrol Deputy Chief Mike Tusken on the left side of the photo, Sgt. Wick in the middle, Lieutenant Jeff Kazel to the right and Investigations Deputy Chief Robin Roeser at the far right.
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